A Charity School in Incredible India

A Charity School

in Incredible India


The Shanti Ananda
Nature Concept School

Education in Human Values, Creativity and Learning with Head, Heart and Hands

Education in Human Values, Creativity and Learning with Head, Heart and Hands

We are located in Mudigubba in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Here the Shanti Ananda school is an oasis of humanistic ideas.

Our mission statement is to give our students the opportunity to develop a self-confident personality.

Dear friends, the Campaign 1000 shall give our Shanti School a sustainable basis, please help us too and have a look at:
Liebe Freunde, die Aktion 1000 soll unserer Shanti Schule eine nachhaltige Basis geben, bitte helfen auch Sie und werfen einen Blick auf:
Every journey, no matter how big,
simply starts with a small step
We are living in a period of unique transformation and we prepare the students as good as possible for these global future challenges.

Our central concern is promoting creativity as we believe, that for balancing the impulses you get inside, you have to express yourself outside.

That's why our time-table provides 50% Extraordinary topics such as artistic creation, yoga, meditation, karate, dance, musical education and more.

children dance
children learn
Our Nature Concept Education is an important part of our holistic concept
Since alienation from nature makes us mentally ill, in consensus, in 2008 the teachers decided to put their school under the motto of a nature concept.

In 2010, with the generous support of two donors from Germany, we were able to buy a 9.5 acre (approx. 38,500 m²) large piece of land.

This land was, as usual in Andhra Pradesh, an arid wasteland. Over the years we have reforested the land and planted more than 3000 trees.

Our campus is not only a place for student-centered teaching, but also an island for reversion of desertification and reforestation.
Chandra's office
new land in 2010
green land after reforsting
and today after reforesting :-))
It all started with the "Nagananda School", founded 2001 by Swami Nagananda
The Nagananda school was very simple. There was not even a school stamp and all teaching materials were provided by the teachers themselves.

When Swami died in 2006, the school was left back with nothing. But the dedicated teachers persevered even without salary, while praying for support.

Helga Shanti Fruendt (teacher from Germany who had already conducted creativity workshops before) organized financial support and took responsibility for the school.

Swami Nagananda
Helga & Swami
Project weeks make the Shanti Ananda School a lively meeting place
Regular workshops and nature days not only offer our students practical knowledge.

We also convey an understanding of sustainable environmental protection and health to the parents and residents of Mudigubba.

From time to time teachers and students march through Mudigubba together and demonstrate for a special topic, for example "Ban the Plastic".

To our great delight, these ambitions have been positively received by people of the community.

ban the bag
the cow that ate the covers
from time to time ...
... we march through Mudigubba

We are living from Donations only

Dear friends of our little school, especially on behalf of all our students we sincerely thank you for your support which has already given many children a better start in life.

Please donate now :-)

Please click here for donations from Germany or the SEPA payment room

Here you are right for donating from India or rest of the world :-)

New Indian Rule

From April 1st, 2021 (no April Fool's joke!), Donations from abroad must be transferred to our new FCRA account at the State Bank of India (SBI). Foreigners and foreign foundations can only make direct payments to Indian NGOs with a bank account at the State Bank of India (SBI).

The government wants to improve transparency, promote real NGOs and prevent abuse; the conditions in this regard have been tightened considerably in recent years, giving rise to some criticism as well.